Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Congratulations! You've managed to stumble across my brand new blog. You've even decided to read the post with (hopefully) the least interesting title, so I must admit that I'm a little flattered. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you lovely readers about myself or my reason for this blog, so I'll go all out and give you a little bit of both.

Firstly, my name is Allison M. And that suspicious M is soon to turn into an H! (In precisely 24 days, 3 hours, and 12 minutes, but hey, who's counting?) I'm a full time student and am currently pursuing my dream career(s). I'm a lover of nature and horses and science and reading and writing and painting and music and being around friends and family. 

Starting a blog always seemed like a good idea, but with the hell of a semester that I recently conquered, it's safe to say that I haven't had much spare time to sit and gather coherent thoughts. I love reading and writing, but I've been feeling like my literary skills have been puton the back burner lately. I decided to start this blog to get back in touch with my passion for writing and to be able to document some of my life happenings. I also believe that blogging can help you to  better understand yourself and the world around you. My posts will most likely be dedicated to my random thoughts, my adventures as a nursing major , and anything else that I feel like putting my two cents in on. I hope to eventually have a central theme for this blog, but in the meantime if you find my ramblings to be amusing, please feel free to follow me!

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